ബുബുര്‍ ചച


മലേഷ്യയിലെ പ്രസിദ്ധമായ ഡെസേര്‍ട്ടിലൊന്നാണിത്. മധുരക്കിഴങ്ങ്,പയര്‍, യാം തുടങ്ങിയവ മധുരമുള്ള തേങ്ങാപ്പാലില്‍ വേവിച്ചെടുക്കുന്നതാണ് ഇത്. വിശേഷാവസരങ്ങളില്‍ മലേഷ്യക്കാര്‍ ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്ന ഒരു വിഭവം കൂടിയാണിത്.

80g    Purple Sweet Potato
80g    Orange Sweet Potato
80g    Yellow Sweet Potato
150g  Yam (Taro)
10g     Sago (Tapioca pearls)
50g     Black-eye beans (soaked for 1 hour)

Tapioca flour jelly

100g   Tapioca Flour
½ cup Boiling Water
Red coloring

Coconut Milk Base

3 liter water
1 cup Thick coconut milk
120g Sugar
3 Banana (peeled and cut half inches thick)
2 Pandan leaves
Salt to taste

In boiling water, boil black-eye peas until soft. Boil sago separately, until translucent and cooked.

Peel and cut all potatoes and taro into cubes or desired shapes. Steam, separately, until cooked.

To make tapioca flour jelly, place the flour in mixing bowl. Pour in boiling water. Mix the flour and water until well
incorporated. When the dough is cool, roll it out evenly on a well floured surface and cut into cube or desired shapes.

Bring a pot of water, add in 1 table spoon sugar, pour in banana and boil for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.

In boiling water (3 liters), add in thick coconut milk, sugar, salt, pandan leaves and cook over low heat about 10–20 minutes.

Pour in all the ingredients, together with the sago, tapioca jelly into coconut milk base and mix well.