Donkey Dies.. Father Cries.. Inky Pinky Ponky!! :) :)


Guess who is going to sneak back into the city!!

Yeah! They are back again!

Karthik Kumar, S Aravind, Aswin Rao and Naveen Richard….

Oh!! You’re asking me what they are going to be doing this time around!!!

This time around it’s all gonna be R.A.N.D.O.M.  

And when I say random, I am not kidding!

They are going to prove that funny stories can go beyond a chat among friends; they are going to spin tall tales ranging school life, Indian film motifs, social media fads and they are going to talk a tonne on the urban myth that babies are fun.

Their show is called – “Donkey Dies, Father Cries”… do you remember that rhyme!

The one that used to be the go-to rhyme to choose a person as the den.. The one that goes like this…

Inky Pinky Ponky,

Father had a Donkey..

Donkey died,

Father cried,

Inky Pinky Ponky!! 😀 😀


Also can I tell you, that this show is a HUGE HUGE HIT in India and was very very well-received all over!!

So yeah! What say we welcome them to Singapore with an even bigger bang! 🙂

Do I hear a yes??!!??!?! 🙂

If so, the dates are April 4th, 5th and 6th, folks!!

Details up here!! —

Some admission rules up there as well!! 🙂

Read up, buy them tickets and see you at the show! 🙂