The fourth segment of “meet the director” was held at the Tagore Theatre premises on Wednesday. The programme was conducted over two sessions, both moderated by Meera Sahib.
Director G Rarish observed that though filmmaking is a business, the audience is the owner of the movie post its release. “The movie should do the talking and not the crew,” said Rarish.
Director Kunjila Mascillamani stressed on the issues faced by women filmmakers. She told how people don’t take women film person into seriousness and about the public perception that women only make feminist movies.
The Ektara collective member Rinchi told how people dreaming about cinema get more opportunities through collaborative efforts.
The first session was attended by the directors of the anthology ‘Freedom Fight’–Akhil Anilkumar, Jeo Baby, Kunjila Mascillamani, and Francic Louis.
The directors-Santhosh Babusenan and Satheesh Babusenan who directed “The Husband, The Wife, and Their Two Dead Kids’ also attended. The second session was attended by Rinchin, Maheen Mirza, and Muskan. Amal Prasi and Rarish G also spoke.