“The Wheel,” a highly-anticipated movie directed by Rajith Mohan, is set to release on April 1, 2023, and it promises to be a cinematic experience like no other. Rajith Mohan, who is based in Singapore and actively participates in the cultural arena of the country, grew up in India and moved to Singapore in his mid-twenties.
The movie, which was developed from a story written by Rajith Mohan himself, features an impressive cast, including Gibu George, Jayaram Nair, Neha Zest, Paul Lee, Manuel Steirer, Azzy Mozerin, Vinayakan, Adrian Toh, and Sheely. The film is thought-provoking and has a layered story, exploring various themes that will resonate with audiences.
One of the key themes explored in “The Wheel” is the Butterfly Dream philosophy, which suggests that life is nothing but a dream. The movie also touches upon racial tensions and addresses loneliness, which is a prevalent issue in Singapore, where over 30% of the population are singles.
“The Wheel” has a lot of symbolic references that add depth to the story and make it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys thought-provoking movies. The film has won several international film awards and has received critical acclaim from audiences and critics alike.
For those who are interested in watching the movie, there are multiple showtimes to choose from, including 5:15pm, 6:00pm, 6:45pm, 7:30pm, and 8:15pm. Tickets for the movie cost 25 SGD, and there will be interactive sessions with the cast and crew after the show.
“The Wheel” will be screening at FilmGarde Theatres, located at Kallang Leisure Park, and it promises to be a cinematic experience that will stay with you long after the movie is over. So, mark your calendars for April 1, 2023, and don’t miss the chance to watch this thought-provoking and beautifully crafted movie.
Block your tickets Now: https://forms.gle/yXHMXsnL2jMLoRKG6